END exhibition ( England/Norway/Denmark) at Kunstindustrimuseet ( now Designmuseum Danmark ), Copenhagen, 2007.
( Artists of the END group: Richard Slee, Alison Britton, Martin Smith, Marit Tingleff, Karen Bennicke, Peder Rasmussen and Martin Bodilsen Kaldahl )

Nurbs and Loop #1, 2007
( H 72 W 42 D 35 cm ). Digitally generated and handmodelled.
Collection of Trapholt Art Museum, DK

Nurbs and Loop #1, 2007. Resting. Collection of Trapholt Art Museum, Denmark

Natural Circumstance #4, Twinned, 2007
( H 68 W 38 D 34 cm ). Collection of Annie and Otto Johs Detlefs Foundation

Erste Stockwerk, 2007.
( H 65 W 52 D 50 cm )

Branchobject with 3D print, 2007
( H 21 W 19 D 11 cm)

Blobjection #1, Branchobject, 2007
( H 27 W 32 D 12 cm ). Private collection, Denmark

Branchobject in C4D, 2007
( H 27 L 59 D 32 cm ). Private collection, Paris

Branchobject, Junction, 2007
( H 9 L 42 D 23 cm). Private collection, France

END exhibition, 2007. Kunstindustrimuseet ( now Designmuseum Danmark ), Copenhagen.

END exhibition, 2007. Kunstindustrimuseet ( now Designmuseum Danmark ), Copenhagen

Circuit, Branchobject #18, 2007 ( 14 x 40 x 21 cm )

Extension, Branchobject, 2007 ( 162 x 12 x 9 cm )